- Warren
Stewart -
:: Disestablishmentarian ::
Age: 18
Height: 5'11
WOC: Louisville Slugger
Favorite Music: Punk
Piercing Count: 8
Raison d'etre: Dissent
First Appearance: page
The posterchild for anger-management therapy. Warren is violent,
brash and quick to act, as well as being the Akutenshi's
youngest member. He can be a real nice guy when he's not pissed-off,
but as a hardcore, street-ass punk rocker he tends to spend
alot of his time being pissed-off. Fortunately, he never leaves
home without a little self-defense and a predisposition to authority.
This kid in question comes all the way from Vancouver and lives
with Gale, who promised Warren's older
sister he'd look after him.